Come Get Me, Death

4 min readNov 25, 2020
Yama is the god of death and justice in the Hindu pantheon

I have an interesting experience with death. Since I was a young child, I have been fascinated by the macabre/spooky. I have been in serious accidents as a child and during my adulthood. The closest experience I have personally gotten to death is when I went through my cancer diagnosis (where, as my cancer doctor told me, if I even waited two weeks or more, I would have likely had a terminal cancer diagnosis). Growing up, I was first exposed to death around when I was thirteen years old, due to my grandmother (adoptive mom’s mom) passing away from old age and lung cancer. At the time, I was too afraid to face it. I was thirteen, after all. I am twenty-six now and fully believe my own spiritual beliefs (as my work in healthcare) has guided me on how I feel completely at peace with the idea of my own death, whenever it may happen.

In healthcare, if I did the nursing path, I would have happily chosen hospice. Many nurses avoid this like the plague because the idea of death makes them really uncomfortable. I know how I handle my job in healthcare (especially when I did work with patients face to face), I feel that I would be an ideal person for this role.

Growing up, I was raised, Christain. Christianity teaches you either go to Heaven or Hell, no in-between (at least for Greek Orthodoxy, the belief I was brought up in). I broke away from Christianity during my late teens and drifted from…




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